ove to me all week long, Darling."
"Uhnhhh," he grunted stepping up to the next step and driving his cock
even deeper into the aching core of her pussy.
"Oh, My Baby, you're so, so big," she exclaimed as he took another
step and stabbed himself into her once again.
Lurching up the stairs like some erotically deformed creature with two
heads and two bodies wickedly entwined and joined, they finally made
it to the top of the stairs. Stopping at the top of the stairs, Seth
was huffing and puffing as if he had just finished a marathon.
"Honey, don't have a heart attack," Catherine warned him, "I can walk,
you know.
As she spoke, she mischievously wiggled her butt and clenched his
penis with her cuntal muscles.
"There is no real reason to hurry," she cooed softly leaning forward
and brushing his lips with hers, "We have all week long."
"I know," he panted, starting to stagger down the hall toward his
mother's room, "But I want you so much, I just can't stop myself."
"Oh, you Dear little man," she murmured as they careened down the
Their readiness was exceedingly obvious, their groins slapping
together wetly as Seth carried her down the hallway. It amazed her
that she was already pumping out her pre-fuck juice again after having
climaxed only minutes earlier. Such was her love and desire for her
It seemed like it had taken hours, but Seth finally stumbled into her
room. Staggering like a drunk, he tottered over to the bed. Bending
down, keeping his belly thrust up against her, he slowly laid his
mother down onto the bed. Standing between her outstretched legs,
looking down at her beauty, he couldn't believe that all this was
actually happening.
Staring up at him adoringly, she watched in fascination as he ever so
slowly withdrew his huge, wet boything from her tingling womanhood.
As it slowly slithered out of her, she could see that it was wet and
glistening with her juices. She didn't remember ever being so wet,
she thought as she saw that her womanjuice was literally dripping off
his giant boy-peter.
Then with a little slurp, she felt the enormous head of his cock pop
of her sucking, clenching pussy.
"Oh, Baby," she complained wanting to have him back inside of her.
"Mommy, would you, uh, could you, would you, uh, please," he stammered
as he stood between her legs, his giant penis bobbing up and down in
time with his heartbeat.
"What, Baby, what do you want, Baby," she asked him.
"Would you, uh," he stuttered again, unable to mouth his desire, but
trying to show her by putting his knee on the bed and starting to
crawl up on the bed.
"Oh, Baby, would you like for me to suck you?" she asked him, seeing
his eyes light up with expectation as she spoke.
"Oh, Yes, Mommy," he gushed, straddling her and crawling up the bed
with his great cock bouncing up and down wickedly.
Staring up at her son's approaching colossus, she reached up to guide
the jutting, swaying perversion down to her mouth.
Straddling his mother, Seth finally stopped and stood on his hands and
knees with his mammoth cock wickedly bouncing up and down above her
face. Staring back down at her, he felt his heart skip a beat as he
saw her full, red lips open.
Ever so slowly, she took hold of his gigantic, inflexible prick and
deliberately bent it down toward her mouth. Forcing his cock down
farther and farther toward her open mouth, she finally sucked the
great cockhead inside her hot, sucking mouth.
"Oh, My, God, Mother," he groaned as he watched her lips slowly
encircle his cockhead and suck it into her mouth.
Twirling his great, round cockhead around inside the hot, tightness of
her mouth, she could feel his muscles tense almost immediately. With
his cockhead securely imprisoned in her hot, sucking mouth, she
reached around behind him and grabbed the cheeks of his ass. Slowly
pulling him down toward her, she sucked more and more of his
stupendous cock into her sucking mouth as she tongued and licked the
petrified monster. She could sense that he was loosing control as his
breath was coming in jerking gasps and his whole body was beginning to
tremble. Ignoring the imminent eruption of his pulsating manthing,
she grabbed hold of his huge, dangling balls and began to squeeze them
roughly. Still pulling him into her with one hand, she tugged and
toyed with his balls with the other hand.
"Oh, Fuck, Oh, Shit, Oh Mommy, Oh, God," he panted as he tried to hold
back the flood of cum that was that was threatening to breach any
restraint he had at any moment.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, MOOOOMMMMIIIIEEEEE, GAWWWDDDD," he wailed as his
cock finally gave a great jerk and sent a thick, gelatinous geyser of
his hot, viscid boy-cream spurting out into his mother's sucking,
pulling mouth.
Even though she tried, she couldn't swallow the tidal wave of thick,
frothy cum that came spewing out of his cock. There was too much and
it gushed out around the thick shaft of his cock, spilling down her
chin. Even before she could swallow the first spout of cum, another
gigantic gusher of his thick, white cream came spurting out of his
cock, overflowing her mouth again. Sucking and swallowing as fast as
she could, she couldn't keep up with the erupting flood of cum that
spewed out of his like water out of a broken water main.
Even as she sucked and pulled on his great cock, Seth groaned and
blubbered like a baby. He was so out of control that he didn't know
what he was doing. Then all of a sudden he unknowingly hunched
himself into his mother's face driving his gigantic, spurting, jerking
penis down into her throat.
"Argghhhhhhh," she gagged as her son's enormous penis slammed into her
throat. Gagging on its hugeness, it took all of her will power to
keep from throwing up, but after a few nauseous moments, the reflux
stopped and she began sucking and pulling on him again.
Having penetrated the tight opening of her throat, his thrusts quickly
buried his entire cock into her mouth and throat.
Holding onto his balls, she continued to pull him into her as his cock
emptied itself down her throat. Again and again, it jerked, bulged
out and ejaculated. It was now buried so deeply inside of her, it
felt like it was spurting its milky load directly into her stomach.
Fighting to keep from throwing up and feeling herself growing faint
from lack of oxygen, she still kept sucking and gnawing on his
erupting penis.
Finally, mercifully, she felt his cock give one final lurch and
quickly begin to shrink in size. Quickly, she pushed him back up away
from her, letting his rapidly deflating manhood slowly slither back up
her throat and at last, out into her mouth. Quickly spitting his cock
out, she gasped in several deep, sweet, life restoring breaths. Then
as Seth stood on his hands and knees above her, quivering in
post-ejaculatory elation, she softly sucked his softening maleness
back into her mouth.
"Oh, God, Mother," Seth finally groaned.
His cock was becoming smaller and smaller as she twirled it around
inside her mouth, toying with it. Licking and tickling his maleness
with her tongue, she felt his dick finally stop its retreat to
smallness and begin to enlarge again.
Letting his manhood, slip out of her mouth, she waited for him to
crawl off her. Lifting his leg, he rolled off her and flopped down to
the bed in the same movement.
"That was a delicious dessert," she smiled at him, "and I ate so much
my tummy feels like it is going to burst."
"I'm sorry, Mom," Seth murmured.
"I'm not complaining, Dear," she said softly as she slowly sat up, "I
am really impressed by your strength and masculinity. I don't know of
many men who could have carried me up the stairs the way you did and
still be able to do what you did. And, I've never seen any man
ejaculate so much semen. And you did it twice. I am touched that you
find me so exciting."
"Mom, there is no other woman in the world that can even come close to
you," he grinned sleepily, "Not in looks or brains or, or, or
anything. You're the most perfect woman in the world."
"My, My," she blushed, "You're making me blush."
"It's true."
"Well, you look tired," she smiled, getting to her feet, "So why don't
you take a little nap and we'll, uh, see what happens later tonight.
"You bet," he yawned.
Padding over to the bathroom, she could feel the sticky coating of
their lovecream on her inner thighs. It was starting to dry, making
her skin feel itchy and scratchy. She was still amazed at how much
semen her son had produced. Stepping into her bath, she looked into
the mirror. As she looked at herself, she wasn't surprised when she
saw that the her chin and throat were covered with thick, glistening
glaze of Seth's rich, creamy cum. There was so much of it, it was
still dripping off her chin and down onto her big, swollen breasts.
Reaching for a washcloth, she realized that there was too much for
that and shower would be the only way to remove it.
Quickly, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor.
Stepping out of it, she saw that her furry mat of pubic hair was
plastered down with another coating of her son's thick, glutinous cum.
Spreading her legs, she saw that her inner thighs glistened evilly
with another film of thick, rich semen. Shaking her head in disbelief
of her son's potency, she leaned in and turned on the water. Waiting
for the water to warm, she thought back on their afternoon rendezvous.
Reflecting back on her son's virility, she felt warm and happy inside
for a moment before the reality of what they had done came back to
her. Why had she let her son fuck her, she wondered. And now that it
was over, why did she feel it was so natural and right. She realized
that most women would feel desecrated, defiled, and unclean after
being seduced by their son, but strangely, she felt venerated that her
son had found her so desirable.
For whatever reason, she was going to cherish the wicked sensuality of
making love to her son as long as it lasted, she thought, as she
reached in to test the water,
Stepping into the shower, she let the hot, stinging spray wash away
the thick, potency of her son's gift from her face and throat. Then
spreading her legs, she let it cleanse away the drying stickiness of
his earlier gift from her still sensitive pubis. At last, after a
general scrubbing, her skin once again felt squeaky clean.
Stepping out of the shower, she toweled herself dry and started to
wrap the towel around herself. Stopping, she laughed softly wondering
why she should bother. She didn't need to hide her nakedness from
Seth anymore.
Stepping back out into her bedroom, she looked over at Seth and saw
that he was asleep. Walking back to the bed, she stopped and she
stood looking down at her son, looking for any signs of wakefulness.
He was lying on his back with his arms and legs sprawled out
lifelessly. She couldn't keep herself from looking down at his great,
sleeping manthing lying between his legs. How different it looked
when it slept, she reflected. It was soft and limp now, but even in
its present state of dormancy, it was at least six inches long, and
still bloated with blood. Lying there, thick and puffy, it looked
like it was almost as big around as her wrist and still bore the
evidence of their love-making.
Feeling a sudden warmth sprout between her legs as she stood looking
down at her son, she quickly crawled onto the bed. Reaching down, she
pulled the covers up over both of them. Glancing at her watch, she
saw that it was only seven o'clock, but the afternoon had seemed to
last forever. Maybe they could take a nap and resume their
investigation of the dark realm of incestuous love later that night.
Snuggling up next to Seth, she closed her eyes and before she knew it,
she was asleep.
Slowly, she began to waken. She didn't know how long she had been
asleep, but she felt groggy and vaguely uneasy about something.
Wondering what had woke her up, she suddenly felt something hot and
hard pressing up against her womanhood. She wondered how a man could
be entering her as she lay on her stomach. Then she felt her hips
being lifted up off the bed as the hardness slowly began to penetrate
her unprotected vagina.
Smiling sleepily, she looked back over her shoulder expecting to find
her husband, Brian, but was terror-struck to see that it was her son,
Shock and fear washed over her, leaving her filled with disgust and
loathing for him. How could he do this to her she asked herself,
suddenly feeling sick to her stomach. Shaking her head, she tried to
clear the away the cobwebs of sleep and understand what in the world
was happening. How could Seth be putting his penis into her. God,
had he gone crazy. Outraged, she started to pull away from him and
scream. Just as she opened her mouth, she remembered the afternoon
and her mind began to function as reality washed over her like a warm
How could she have forgotten what they had done that afternoon, she
wondered as she felt Seth slide his hand under her belly and gently
lift her buttocks higher into the air.
Thankful that she had remembered in time, she cooperated by spreading
her long, perfectly shaped legs apart for him as he gently he lifted
her buttocks farther up into the air. She felt him respond by
continuing to force his huge maleness even deeper into her pussy. As
his cock easily slid into her, she was surprised to find that she was
wet and ready for him.
As he continued to lift her hips higher, she scooted her knees up
under her body and pushed herself back at him. In doing this, she
felt his great manthing forcefully burrowing itself deeper and deeper
into her hot wetness.
"Oh, My Baby," she groaned as she felt him pushing himself into her.
His hugeness still amazed her. How could a cock the size of his ever
fit inside of her tiny, tight little slit?
Thrusting herself back against him, she could feel herself being
filled to the limit by his great, monstrous cock as it slid deeper and
deeper into her cunt. Then just as before, just when she felt like he
was about to rupture her with his monstrosity, she felt his hairy
belly softly thud up against her soft, upturned butt.
Pressing herself back against him, she reveled in the feel of his
thick, heavy lovesword penetrating deep into her aching cunt for a few
moments. Then she quickly lifted herself up off him, letting his
mammoth cock slither back out of her wet, weeping slit. She stopped
only when the great bulbous head of his cock rested in the opening of
her itching slit. Pausing only for a second, she suddenly launched
herself back down onto him, swallowing his entire foot long cock back
into her womanhood with in one rapid gulp.
"Oh, Fuck," he grunted as he felt his mother's burning gash envelop
his thrusting maleness in one lightning lunge.
As she rocked away from him a second time, he leaned down over her,
reaching under her and taking her huge, dangling breasts in his hands.
This time, as she thrust herself back onto his great distended penis,
he hunched himself into her and their bodies crashed together like two
battling rams.
"OOAAHHHhhh, FFFUUUUCCCckkkkkk," she gasped as she felt his cock knife
back into her pussy so deep that it felt like it was about to come out
of her mouth, "You're too fucking big."
"I'm Sorryyy," Seth groaned, stopping in fear that he had hurt her,
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No, oh, No, Don't Stop," she blubbered, pushing herself back
against him and wriggling her butt, "Fuck me, Please fuck me, my
Responding to his mother's pleading appeal, he immediately began to
saw his hardness in and out of her soft, slippery womanplace with a
vengeance. As he pounded his cock into her, she struggled up to her
hands and knees so that he could fondle her perfectly shaped breasts
as he fucked her. Leaning down over her, he teased and pulled on her
great dangling paps as he lovingly fucked her from behind.
As he hammered his great cock in and out of her throbbing cunt? she
quickly felt herself being impelled toward another exquisite orgasm.
Her whole essence seemed to be centered in the flesh that was now
wrapped around her son's gigantic cock. It was as if every nerve
ending in the tight, hot channel had been overcharged and was now
pulsating with pleasure. Seth's immense penis was once again
battering places inside her pussy that had never felt the hardness of
a man's cock before this day. It was unbelievable that he was such a
perfect lover at such a young age, she thought as she felt herself
tottering on the edge of another cataclysmic orgasm. In and out, in
and out, she felt his cock stimulating the entire length of her
drenched love gash. It seemed like his cock was growing larger and
larger with each stabbing penetration. Then, beginning with a tiny
little tingle so deep inside of her pussy she didn't think it would
ever make it out, a tidal wave of pleasure gushed out from her pussy
and washed over her whole body.
"OHHHhhh, Mmyyyy, BBAABBbbiiieeeee," she moaned as her body was
consumed by the unholy flames of another incestuous orgasm.
She felt as if she was being lifted to the heavens by angels, but knew
she was being plunged into the depths of hell by her son's cock. The
intense pleasure was boiling up out of her pussy like lava from a
volcano with its core in hell. She had never felt anything like it
Just as before, Seth felt his mother begin to quake and shake below
him as he continued to slide his cock in and out of her. He could
feel the muscles of her cunt clenching and clutching at his huge
manthing as it rocked in and out of her. As their bodies slapped
together, her wetness coated his thighs and he could hear the wet,
lewd sound of their bodies slapping together.
"Oh, My, Fuck, Oh, My, Babbiee, oh, my, fuck, OH, Lord, Oh, Seth," she
blubbered like a crazy woman as she tossed head back and forth sending
her long, cinnamon-colored tresses flying in all directions.
Wiser this time, Seth didn't hesitate as his mother writhed and
groaned below him. With steady, rhythmic strokes, he sawed his
colossal cock in and out of her salivating slit as she climaxed below
At last, the throes of her orgasm faded away.
"Oh, unh, Honey, unh, that, unh, was, unh, wond, unh, er, unh, ful,"
she stammered out between the jarring thuds of his attack as he fucked
"Unhhhhh," he mumbled, releasing her tits and taking hold of her
hips, roughly pulling her pussy into him every time he slammed his
cock back into the hot socket of her pussy.
Basking in the warm, fuzzy afterglow of fulfillment, she spread her
lovely legs apart wider and wider to accommodate him, taking him into
her deeper and deeper. It seemed as if every stabbing thrust of his
giant cock sent his cock into virgin depths of her vagina that had
never known a man before. She felt like a girl on her first date
with the school quarterback. She wanted him to love her and she
wanted to give him so much.
Her excitement was evidenced by the amount of lubricating juice that
was flowing out of her cunt. There was so much of it, it was almost
embarrassing as it coated and was even spread out onto the cheeks of
her ass by Seth's pounding attack on her derriere. She knew that it
must be all over Seth's stomach and legs, too as she heard the slap of
his belly up against her upturned butt every time he hammered his cock
into her.
"Oh, uhn, it, uhn, feels, uhn, so, uhn, good," Seth blurted out
between thrusts.
"Oh, unh, Yes, Unh, My, unh, Baby, unh, I, unh, love, unh, it," she
echoed him.
Time seemed to be suspended as the incessant sound of their bodies
slapping together filled the room.
Dazed and reeling from her body's response to her son, she could feel
the burning tingle of another orgasm beginning deep inside of her
pussy again. She had already had three orgasms and now another one
was building inside of her battered and abused pussy.
"God, unh, I, Love, UNH, YOU," she gasped as she felt the flames of
her perverse estrous growing higher and higher.
Even as she felt herself being propelled up toward the peak of another
climax, she could feel him gripping her hips tighter and tighter. He
was pulling her into him harder and harder with each hammering
impalement. Almost imperceptibly, the rhythm of his attack on her
cunt had grown faster and faster. Like a mighty steam locomotive
laboring up a long, steep grade, his hips worked back and forth
laboriously, driving his giant cock in and out of her hot box over
and over again. He was even beginning to sound like a locomotive as
he huffed and puffed from the effort of maintaining such a driving
On and on, they fucked, Seth thrusting himself into his mother again
and again. He loved the feel of his massive fleshy cylinder of
granite hard boyflesh slide in and out of her effortlessly, greased by
the gusher of her fuck juices exuding from the lining of her cunt.
Grunting and straining, they climbed the long, steep grade toward the
peak of perverse gratification.
Moaning her approval of his efforts, Catherine thrust herself back on
him every time he sent his giant cock knifing up into her cunt. She
was taking the entire length of her son's great bloated cock with
every hammering penetration and loving it. Suddenly, she felt herself
uncontrollably approaching the ignition point, but she wanted to delay
it until she felt him explode inside of her. While she tried as hard
as she could to control it, she couldn't stop herself from being
inexorably drawn closer and closer to fiery conflagration of another
climatic outburst. Unable to stop herself from concentrating on the
feel of her son's huge cock plunging in and out of her throbbing cunt,
she felt herself abruptly consumed by another unholy climax. It felt
as if her pussy had burst into a million points of flame as her son's
mammoth dick created burning pulsations of pure pleasure inside of
"OH, BABIEEEE, Unh, Unh, Oh, Unh, Fuck, Unh, Oh, Unh, Unh," she
blabbered as her body shook and trembled.
Seth felt his mother's tight, hot cunt clamp down around his plunging
cock making penetration of her tightly grasping cunt more and more
difficult. But, even as tightly clenched as her pussy was, the
abundance of fuck juice flowing from her lubricated the smooth,
slippery walls of her cunt enough that he could still drive his cock
into her. But he was growing more and more exhausted. The fact that
he had brought his mother to the point of climaxing a second time in
such a short period of time inspired Seth to attempt to stroke his
cock into her clenching, grabbing cunt faster and faster.
Catherine slowly she felt her senses returning to her as she emerged
from the stupefying influence of her mind-numbing climax. As she did,
the muscles around her cunt began to relax and she felt her son
respond by fucking her faster and faster. His endurance was demonic,
she thought as he continued to hammer his cock into her mercilessly.
She knew he had been fucking her for at least half an hour, yet he
showed no indication of stopping other than fucking her harder and
faster. What great generators of cum his giant, swinging balls must
be, she thought as she felt them slapping up against her belly every
time he penetrated her.
Then, astonished, she felt the telltale tickle of another orgasm begin
deep inside her battered pussy. Had Seth broken something inside of
her making her unable to stop having orgasms, she wondered. Surprised
by her own sexual capability, she felt the need for another orgasm
growing as he continued to brutally fuck her from behind.
"OH, Unh, Fuck, Unh, ME, Unh, Fuck, Unh, ME, Unh, Fuck, Unh, ME," she
begged loudly, wanting to feel the exquisite pleasure of another
climax overwhelm her.
She thought it was impossible, but Seth responded by increasing the
tempo of his fucking to another level that she didn't know existed.
His mammoth penis was tearing in and out of her slavering cunt so fast
that it felt like a great, immense vibrator drubbing the insides of
her drenched cunt.
His gigantic prick was so huge that every time it tore into her pussy
it pulled her clitoris down against the harsh top of his cock nearly
driving her wild with pleasure.
"OH, Unh, Fuck, Unh, ME, Unh, Fuck, Unh, ME, Unh, Fuck, Unh, ME," she
begged as he violently fucked her.
Then the tiny tickle inside of her cunt exploded into another full
blown orgasm as she began to shake and shudder uncontrollably.
"OH, UNH, OH, UNH, MY, UNH, OH, UNH, OMY," she gasped as she felt the
pleasure of her orgasm possess her body once again.
Even as she climaxed, she could sense that her son was nearing an
eruption as the tempo of his fucking was quickly growing more and more
erratic. Despite the growing aberrance of his thrusts, he still kept
driving himself into her with wild abandon.
Then, after several moments, when the intensity of her orgasm should
have started abating, she was shocked to feel the level of pleasure
flowing from her pussy slowly building as Seth continued to fuck her.
It was growing so strong, she didn't know how much longer she would be
able to bear the strain on her senses. Then just when she felt like
the intensity of the pleasure was too much to withstand, she felt Seth
suddenly hunch into her ferociously, driving his monstrous penis into
her deeper and harder than he ever had before.
as if he was pain.
As he held his malignancy thrust up inside of her convulsing cunt,
Catherine felt it balloon out so large it felt like she was giving
birth to a baby. It felt like it was going to split her apart and her
thoughts raced back to when she had birthed Seth. The feeling was the
same and he had been so big then that he had torn her vagina and it
had had to be sewn back together. Then she was instantly returned
back to the present when she felt him release a boiling, rushing
gusher of white-hot egg laded boycream into her pussy. The monstrous
spout of scorching boymilk was so great that it filled to the point of
overflowing immediately. It felt like there must have been a gallon
of his rich, hot cum gush out into her pussy. It immediately squirted
out around the great, pulsating shaft of his cock as spilled down her
inner thighs. The wonderful flow of pleasure that was coming from her
pussy only increased as she felt his cock jerk and spew out stream
after stream of his thick, viscous milk. Again and again, his great
fleshy cannon fired, filling her pussy beyond it capability every
time. Within moments, her pussy was so saturated with his cum, she
began to taste him inside her mouth. Still his great engine of love
continued to jump and spurt inside of her drenched cunt. It was
unbelievable. No man could produce so much cum. Something must have
broken inside of his monstrous cock. She felt like she had had a
firehose shoved into her pussy and someone had turned it on full
force. Still it jerked and bucked inside of her, slamming round after
round of lovecream into again and again.
Finally, when she thought he was through, it erupted inside of her
seven or eight more times before felt the force of the explosions
begin to diminish and the time between them lengthen. Then, at last,
it stopped.
"OH, FUCK," Seth gasped as he fell back away from her, once again
rudely jerking his enormous cock out his mother's flooded cunt.
"Ouch," she yelped as the thick hugeness of her son's cock departed
from her pussy with a loud, lewd slurping sound.
"OHMOMPHSRRY," he mumbled as he flopped onto the bed, exhausted.
"That's all right, Baby," she whispered, turning around, "Are you
"Idonknow," he sighed tiredly.
"Lord, Baby, you must have shot gallons and gallons of your sweet
cream into me," she said adoringly as she crawled over to him, "I
can't believe how much stuff you had in you."
"You bring out the best in me," he smiled weakly as he felt his mother
gently lift his fallen warrior.
"I think you have the most potent love spear in all of creation," she
mumbled as she leaned down and gave it a soft, gentle kiss, "I Love
"And, I Love you," he told her, pulling her down to him and kissing
her on the lips hard and long.
After they stopped kissing, Catherine lay down beside her son and
snuggled up against him. As she lay pressed against him, she glanced
down at her watch and saw that it was ten o'clock. Looking over at
the window, she realized that it was dark outside.
"Oh, My goodness, Seth, Baby," she exclaimed, "It's ten o'clock."
"Really," he groaned tiredly, "Is that good or bad?"
"Uh, Oh, I don't know really," she laughed, "I just thought it was a
lot later than it is."
"I sort of lost track of time, too," he grinned at her.
"We've spent most of the night doing things we shouldn't be doing,"
she remarked soberly.
"But it felt great," he added.
"Yes it did," she smiled back at him, "I don't remember anything as
"Oh, My," Catherine cooed appreciatively as she felt her son's giant
cock slowly begin to harden again, "You're getting big again."
"I can't stop it," he said, "You are so exciting, and I love you so
much. But, I'm so tired that I don't know if I'll be able to anything
with it."
"I can," she smiled wickedly, roughly stroking her son's cock and
watching it ever so slowly struggle to regain its hardness.
"Oh, Baby, it is so beautiful, and hard, and big," she said adoringly
as his great penis, now hard and ripe, lay on his stomach.
Reluctantly releasing his cock, Catherine pushed her hand down between
his hairy legs.
Curious about what she was doing, he spread his legs apart and felt
her lift his big, egg shaped balls and roll them around in her hand.
"You're balls are as big as ostrich eggs," she lauded as she toyed
with them, "and they're so hard."
"Unhhhh," Seth groaned as he felt himself growing more and more
"And what is this," he heard her ask as he felt her fingernail gently
tickle his anus.
"MOTHER," he complained, turning bright red with embarrassment.
"Doesn't this feel good?" she asked him as she continued to finger his
wrinkled little prune of a asshole.
"Yes, but it is embarrassing," he whined.
"Why? I used to have to clean it when you were a little baby," she
smiled wickedly as she gently pressed her finger into the tight little
circle of wrinkled flesh.
"Mother, Please," Seth groaned as he felt her finger press against his
Moving her hand away from his anus, Catherine slowly sat up, her big
beautiful breasts wiggling and jiggling like two huge bowls of pink
Jell-O. Scooting on the bed, she worked herself around until she was
sitting between her son's outstretched legs. Leaning down, she lifted
his great serpentine prick up and began to gently suck on the bulbous
"Oh, My, God," Seth gasped out in pleasure as he felt her full, hot
lips encircle the head of his swollen cock.
Tickling and teasing it with her tongue, she concentrated on the cleft
where the bulging tube running along the underside of his giant organ
met the head of his dick. As her tongue flicked back and forth, she
could feel her son's great hardness jump and quiver with expectation.
After several moments, she slowly let the huge, purple cockhead
slither out of her mouth. Holding the foot long tower of hard,
boyflesh up, she slowly kissed and licked her way down the protruding
bulge running along the underside of his enormous cod piece. His cock
was so big, it took several moments for her to finally reach the base
of the great cylinder of swollen meat. Then she let it go and watched
it slowly lower itself back down onto his belly. Leaning down lower,
she tenderly sucked one of his mammoth testicles into her mouth.
Hearing her son moan again, she gently rolled his giant ball around
inside of her mouth, tickling it with her tongue. Sucking and pulling
on the great cum producer for several moments, she finally let it slip
out of her mouth but quickly sucked the other dangling testicle into
her mouth. Swirling it around inside her mouth, she watched in
amazement as his colossal cock slowly lifted itself up from his
stomach. She couldn't believe that he was so aroused that he could
lift the great weight of his gargantuan cock without assistance. But,
there it was, jutting out hard and ready, slowly bobbing up and down
with each beat of his heart. She continued to suck on his ball as she
watched his giant penis bob and dance before her eyes.
Finally, she let his ball ooze out of her mouth. Reaching down, she
took hold of his legs, behind his knees and forcefully lifted his legs
up in the air.
"Mother, uh, What are..."
Quickly leaning down, she found his asshole with her tongue.
"OH, FUCKeeeee," he screeched as he felt her hot, probing tongue
digging into his anus, "I'M GOING TO CUM, MOTHER."
Quickly, she dropped his legs and grabbed hold of his huge cock just
as it jerked and spurted out a great gob of thick, cream semen. The
force behind his ejaculation sent the wad of cum shooting at least
three feet up into the air before it came splashing back down onto his
Waiting for his cock to continue to erupt, she was surprised when it
didn't. Holding onto her son's rigid maleness, she waited and waited,
but nothing happened after the one massive explosion.
"Are you okay, Baby," she asked him, still waiting for him to resume
his orgasm.
"Umuh," was all he could say, not understanding what had happened
As they waited, they were both surprised that while his cock had
stopped ejaculating, it hadn't grown soft as it normally did. It
still jutted up, hard and stiff.
"I've never seen anything like that," Catherine mumbled in amazement.
"Me, neither," Seth groaned, "Never, ever before."
"And you're still as hard as a rock."
"Uhuh," he muttered, staring down at his big, hard cock sticking up
out of his groin.
"I know that you're too tired to make love to me, but I'm not too
tired to make love to you," she smiled obscenely as she slowly got to
her hand and knees.
Not knowing what to expect, Seth watched his mother's great, dangling
breasts bounce and jiggle as she crawled up over him.
Straddling her son, she slowly crawled up until her dripping, oozing
cunt was poised above his great swollen cock. Reaching back between
her widespread legs, she grasped his cock and quickly lifted it up
until it was perpendicular to his belly. Holding it up, she slowly
eased herself down until the thick, meaty lips of her cunt slipped
down over his great, distended cockhead.
"Oh, MOTHer, IT is So Hot," Seth whimpered as he felt her cunt slowly
consuming his cock as it slid down over him.
"Damn, you're so fucking big," she grunted as she continued to thrust
herself down onto his gigantic prick, "I can't believe how big you
She pushed herself down farther and farther taking more and more of
his giant penis inside her throbbing cunt. Grunting with effort, she
forced herself down onto him as she felt him slide deeper and deeper
into the hot mushiness of her womanhood. At last the meaty lips of
her cunt settled down around the hairy base of his cock as she sat
atop of him with his entire cock buried up inside of her. She sat
there for several seconds relishing the feeling of fullness he gave to
her. Finally, she began to raise and lower her hip, slowly fucking
him as he reached up and toyed with her huge, dancing breasts. Their
senses were so stimulated, it only took a couple of minutes before she
felt his cock begin to buck and spurt inside of her once again.
"Oh, MOTHER, IM SOORRRYYYY," he gasped as his cock erupted inside of
pleasure evoking orgasm tore through her body.
Although their orgasms were not of the intensity of the other, both of
them immediately collapsed without even bothering to uncouple their
bodies. They simply rolled over and slept connected by their engorged
sexual organs.
Another pause...will the story continue? Only the Baron knows...But
then no one cares anyway.....:(
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